Bild von Thanks for your Like • donations welcome auf Pixabay It's always there. Forever. Just connect and be. Do whatever you want to do. Not for others, but for yourself. Only because your heart tells you. Follow your heart. The heart is the one where the soul expresses itself. The heart knows. Not the limited mind. Follow your heart. Even if there is no meaning or it doesn't make sense. Even if you don't know the outcome. Let the heart be your compass. Anyway. Be crazy, be unique. Be real. Be yourself. Be YOU. Be authentic. Follow the inner beauty. It will turn to the outside beauty. Live the PARADISE ON EARTH. It is not a place. It is a state inside yourself. Be connected. Forever. Let this be your guidiance. Forever. Follow the voice inside you. Ask questions. Get answers. Be aware, you will get answers. Appearing as signs in the outer world. You don't have to know anything. Just follow this signs. You can rely on them. Indeed. Inside, outside. Inside out. Follow this path. Follow this way. And you'll find PEACE forever. Be at peace with everything which appears right NOW. Be at peace with anger. Be at peace with fear. Be at peace with insecurity. Be at peace with not knowing. Be at peace ... How? By just giving no attention to the stories. To the stories which the mind tells you. Just BE. Unfold your highest potential. Turn on the light. Turn on the light and shadows will appear, that's for sure. But even be at peace with the shadows. Let them be. Just follow the light. BE THE LIGHT. And shine. YOU are original. YOU are unique. YOU are save. YOU are soul in a human body. YOU ARE. The cup is full. It's flowing. It's overflowing. PURITIY. The sun is rising. Bild von Bruno /Germany auf Pixabay Don't try to be a tulip
Juni 2023
"Betrachte das Leben als eine Wundertüte voll bunter Überraschungen - greife hinein und genieße die vielen süßen Freuden, welche die Welt dir schenkt." Kategorien
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